Level Access

Author: Level Access

Completing a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, or VPAT®, is the industry-accepted method of documenting a digital product’s accessibility. VPAT reports describe how well different types of information and communication technology (ICT), including hardware, software, and electronic content, conform with established accessibility standards.

The VPAT was originally created by the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) to help companies selling to the U.S. federal government show that their products meet compliance requirements for Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act. They’re now commonly used by business-to-business (B2B) organizations aiming to demonstrate digital product accessibility to buyers in both the private and public sectors.

Vendors of digital offerings, including software products and web platforms, are now frequently asked to provide a completed VPAT as part of the procurement process. VPAT documents enable contracting officials and procurement teams to evaluate the accessibility of commercial products and services. They also allow manufacturers and vendors to report whether their product meets applicable accessibility standards.

What is an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR)?

As the name suggests, a VPAT is a template. Once this template has been filled out, it’s called an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR). When a potential customer requests a VPAT document as part of a Request for Proposal (RFP), they’re technically requesting an ACR, even though the two terms are often used interchangeably.

Here’s an example of a completed VPAT, or ACR.

Why are there different VPAT types and requirements?

There are different editions of the VPAT, reflecting different standards, including WCAG, Section 508, and EN 301 549. There are also different versions of each VPAT edition, which account for updates to accessibility standards. The current version of each VPAT edition is revision 2.5.

The following four VPAT editions are available for ICT manufacturers and vendors to develop ACRs for their target markets and contractual requirements:

  1. VPAT 2.5 508 Edition is used to show conformance with Section 508, the U.S. federal accessibility standard
  2. VPAT 2.5 EU Edition is used to show conformance with EN 301 549, the European Union’s requirements for ICT product and service procurement in the public sector
  3. VPAT 2.5 WCAG Edition is used to show conformance with WCAG 2.2, 2.1, 2.0, or ISO/IEC 40500
  4. VPAT 2.5 International (INT) Edition is used to show conformance with all standards covered by other VPAT editions (Section 508, EU, and WCAG)

How do I complete a VPAT document?

Completing a VPAT (sometimes called “VPAT certification”) is a multi-step process that involves auditing a product or service for conformance with technical accessibility standards, and carefully documenting the findings from this evaluation. Because this process requires specific knowledge, it’s best completed by independent entities with digital accessibility expertise. A reputable third party has the requisite experience to assess and report on accessibility and lends vital credibility to an ACR. By working with an expert, you can ensure that your requested ACR is accurate and well-received by potential buyers.

What’s in a VPAT report?

At the beginning of the VPAT document, some background information must be provided about the report, product, and evaluation methodology used. The template then consists of a long series of tables. The first is a summary of what standards (e.g., Section 508, EN 301 549) are covered by the report. The subsequent tables review each section or chapter of the relevant accessibility standard or standards (when an edition with multiple standards is used).

At a minimum, a VPAT report includes the following sections:

  • Report title
  • VPAT heading information
  • Name of product/product version
  • Report date
  • Product description
  • Contact information
  • Additional notes
  • Evaluation methods
  • Applicable standards/guidelines (e.g., WCAG)
  • Conformance level terms
  • A summary table of the standards included in the report
  • Tables required under the specific VPAT edition

In the tables for each standard, under the Conformance Level column, the following terms are used to indicate whether your product satisfies specific criteria in the standard:

  • Supports: The product’s functionality has a minimum of one method that meets the criterion with no known glitches or with comparable facilitation (of equivalent accessibility).
  • Partially supports: This means that part of the product doesn’t meet, or only partially meets, the criterion.
  • Does not support: This means most of the product’s functionality doesn’t meet the criterion.
  • Not applicable: This means the criterion is not relevant to the product.

What if certain features of my product don’t conform?

It’s common for vendors to report that a product does not fully conform with one or more criteria in a VPAT. What’s important is that an ACR provides accurate, credible information. means offering detail about a product’s accessibility beyond simply indicating its conformance level. In cases where a product “partially supports,” a criterion, it’s crucial to share specific examples. Where your product “does not support” a criterion, clearly define the limitations of its functionality. And if “not applicable,” is used, you’ll want to explain any exceptions that apply to your product.

The Level Access Approach to VPATs

Our experts boast a wealth of experience assessing digital product accessibility and providing accurate, credible VPAT reports. Our comprehensive approach to completing VPATs includes partnering with your team to:

  • Understand your most critical user flows
  • Test those flows using assistive technology (AT)
  • Deliver audit results inclusive of accessibility barriers revealed and guidance to fix those errors
  • Support your team to help resolve the more complex errors
  • Deliver an objective, unbiased ACR (a completed VPAT)

Engage with our team today to ensure your product conforms with global accessibility standards and obtain an ACR that satisfies your buyers’ requirements.Contact us


Is a VPAT a certification of compliance?

A completed VPAT, or ACR, is not a certification of compliance nor intended to serve as a pass / fail document. The intention of the ACR is to provide greater insight into the degree to which a product meets specific accessibility standards. It enables vendors and purchasers to have more purposeful and direct discussions during the procurement process.

A VPAT only comes into play for websites and web-based content that are part of a product offering. A completed VPAT (or an ACR) is required for this content if you are contracting with a U.S. government entity. Suppose you sell a product with web-based elements to private-sector companies. In that case, a VPAT can be a valuable tool for demonstrating the accessibility compliance of your product offering, and it’s better to have one prepared and ready instead of rushing to create one last minute. Accessibility statements can be used to document the accessibility of a website that is not part of a product.

This depends on the use case and go-to-market approach. Completing an ACR is necessary if the app’s usage falls under Section 508 or other applicable requirements or if procurement teams request one. You can discuss the specifics with an expert.