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| Accessibility Outlook: Laws, Lawsuits, and Learnings Shaping Compliance in 2024 |

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Webinar | Break Out of Break/Fix: How to Decentralize Digital Accessibility to Accelerate Development Cycles

Fixing digital accessibility issues after they’re live is costly and inefficient, and can expose organizations to legal risk.

Access our on-demand webinar to learn how to break out of this reactive, break/fix approach for good 

What you’ll learn

In this on-demand webinar with Level Access’s Solutions Engineering Manager Noah Mashni, you will learn: 

  • What shift-left accessibility is and why you should adopt it 
  • How shared ownership impacts developers’ day-to-day operations 
  • Tactics for earning cross-functional buy-in so you can launch accessible experiences by default 

Trusted by hundreds of the world’s leading brands

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